Thursday, November 20, 2014


So I kinda left you guys for a bit lol, but I just don't know what to say anymore I'm kinda speechless tbh I'm so tired of everything like idk what to do anymore, just forgive everyone and not say anything? You know Ashley stopped talking to me, but why should I apologize for her not hanging out with me on birthday? Am I the selfish one or is she? So many questions, but no answers. So there's this guy Gonzalo he's just making me go crazy like literally in so tired of this he hates me I guess so than why is it that he always looks at me and that his bestfriend is always calling me his Girlfirend, but then he doesn't say anything, but then he'll fucking act dude omg idk what to do any more. Jenny idk why I just love her, but she disappointed me so much that I dislike her soo much. Idk why I still talk to her maybe because with her there's no in between there's just she either loves or hates you.


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